Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi PixelLab Bagi Penjual Online di Kabupaten Maros
training, , utilization, app, online sellerAbstract
This community service activity is carried out in the form of socialization and practice of using applications that aim to improve the ability to design selling product images for online sellers in Maros Regency. The fact shows that so far the appearance of product images has a strong influence on buyer interest in goods and services traded through social media platforms and in a number of online stores in the form of market places. One of the fundamental obstacles experienced by online sellers is the lack of ability to manage product images into attractive designs, so that images of goods and services promoted look ordinary. The solution provided is to disseminate the importance of using the application and practice how to use Pixelab to online sellers. In addition to the utilization of the application, training is also provided on examples of attractive product image designs so that prospective buyers can be interested in buying products.
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