Publication Ethics
TERATAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is a periodic scientific journal that publishes the results of community service in a multidisciplinary scope
Editors' Responsibilities
- The editor is responsible for deciding which articles qualify for publication through a meeting of the editorial board guided by the journal's editorial policies
- In the process of receiving articles, the editing team is based on the principle of equality of treatment.
- In reviewing the process of the journal and making publication decisions (articles), the editorial team does not discriminate against the race, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or political ideology of the authors.
- The editors and editorial team will not disclose any information about submitted papers or articles except with the author's permission.
- Unpublished articles will not be used for editor research and will be returned directly to the author.
Reviewer Responsibilities
- Reviewers help editors make editorial decisions on papers/articles submitted by authors.
Reviewers are responsible for review recommendations - Article reviews are carried out objectively and are supported by clear arguments.
- Reviewers are responsible for citations, references and plagiarism for the articles reviewed.
- Reviewers maintain the confidentiality of information and the author's privacy
Author's Responsibility
- Authors must be responsible for their thought or research articles, honest, and without plagiarism, and data manipulation.
- The author is responsible for the confirmation submitted from the article that has been written.
- Authors must comply with publication requirements in the form of original work, not plagiarism, and the paper/article has not been published in a journal or other publication.
- The author indicates references to the opinions and works of others cited.
- Authors write papers or articles ethically, honestly and responsibly, according to scientifically valid authorship rules.
- The authors do not submit/publish the same article in more than one journal or publication.
- The author does not mind if the article goes through editing without changing the substance or basic idea of writing.
Publisher's Responsibility
- TERATAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is responsible for publishing articles after going through the process of editing, peer review, layout in accordance with the rules for publishing scientific journals.
- TERATAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is responsible for ensuring academic freedom for editors and reviewers in carrying out their duties.
- TERATAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is responsible for maintaining privacy and protecting intellectual property and copyright, as well as editorial freedom.